FirstClass is used by businesses, educators, user groups, service bureaus, public services, and all others who enjoy exchanging information easily using the Macintosh interface.
Why? because FirstClass saves them money by combining electronic mail, file sharing, and electronic discussions seamlessly over networks and telephone lines.
FirstClass combines the features of the following applications into a single integrated system:
• An office electronic e-mail package
• A network conferencing system (electronic discussions)
• A remote-access bulletin board system (BBS)
• Electronic Mail
As an e-mail package FirstClass provides a powerful mail system complete with office memo appearance, simple name based addressing, message tracking, multiple file attachments, electronic forms, mail folders, automatic expiry dates and more.
• Conferencing
The electronic discussion features of FirstClass include: multiple hierachical conferences, icons for conferences, individual tracking of unread items on a per-user/per item basis, message tracking (who's read this, who's downloaded this file), user-to-user real time chatting and more.
• Remote Access
All of the features are available over the network and over the modem. Modem access is highly efficient and includes: background transfer of files while reading mail, chatting or using an other system feature, same graphical display as on the network, support for high speed and compressing (V.42, MNP) modems, multiple incoming lines are supported by a single copy of the server application.
• Bulletin board access
The BBS features include: graphical user interface, ability to access CD-ROMS, hard drives and file servers via the FirstClass server, administration monitoring of system activity, remote management of the system, logging of important events to disk, tracking uploads and downloads, system statistics, topic based chatting, access for non-macintosh computers via a command line interface similar to the UNIX shell.